Woah~ Night agen.. An endless cycle of darkness.. Dang.. I hate it.. I know some peeps like it and all, well i do like it too, in some way.. First, its very quiet and tranquil... Hehe~ Very relaxing... Away from the hustle and bustle of d day.. Sigh~ And its not soo hot.. Dang.. Hehe~ But i hate it cuz.. Errr... Topic sentence... Never start with a "but".. Heheheh~ The reason i kinda hating d nite iz.... Hrm... Its...hurm.... never mind...
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
14th August '07
Hehe~ okay..so todae I went back to Desaria quite late.. errr… near 6 something.. had work to do at d library.. setting d blog and d accounts everything for our English class.. huhuh~ erm…. Ok la.. made few changes and added in some html files and etc etc.. hehehe.. typical internet stuff… hurm.. nw dat I tink of it, I might even create a class forum.. huhuh~ xingshi wasn’t it? Hurm…… refer to darling then…. Huhuh~
Okay.. when I reach Desaria, I was beyond hungry, I was on d verge of pure peckishness!!! Hehe~ I tink “peckishness” iz a word Tho I dun knw wat it means.. I just assume it’s a state when somebody iz feeling very hungry to d max!! hahahahah!! Well, bought food from d Indian cafĂ© at d plaza and headed straight to my room…. Well, made a detour to d office and ask about d internet service and got a stupid meaningless lecture and explanation out of it from one of d staff der.. sigh~~~
Hurm…. Well, ate inside d room and took a bath after a short break.. hahah..~~ then wat happened.. hurm….. dang I miss my frenz…… wonder wat are they doing nw? are they still doing d same stupid things tat we always do together….. hurm…. Hahah~ dem soo much.. miss my cats a.k.a. lil’ bro, my sis, parents, and MY ROOM!!! I miss my pillow!!! Hahahaha~~ well, had an anime marathon in d nite ….. watch Mahoraba, an anime tat one of my many bestie gave me.. heheh~ well, I was on d last few episodes and its just kept going better and better!! Dang I luv dis anime *shed tear* hahahha~~ well, of cuz ders a sad part and ahhh, I get soo touchy-touchy feeling bout it! Derkkkkk!!!! Jokez!! Hahaahha~ well, enough with dat~ hurm… well, it’s a pretty good anime anyway… hahah~ (dang~ I keep repeating d word “well” as if theres no other word dat have d same meaning as dat.. hahhaha~)
Herm… and dat night theres another’ commotion but din quite bothered about it since im too engrossed in my anime.. hahaha~ and yeah, along d way, its becoming less bumpy and quite smooth.. hahaha~~wait.. wat am I talking about? Dang~ I guess im losing it… waaaaaaaaaa!! I dun even have d slightest clue anymore!!! Dang crap crap clap clap!! Hehehhe~ well, hahahaha~ and.. ad… and…….. and…………….. and…… arrrggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Arrgggghhhhhhh!!! I forgot!!!!!!!!! Dang I only remembered going to sleep at 2 something like dat after a conversation wif Aboudi~ hurm…….
Yeah~ dats all.. ahhahaha~~~~~
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 1:00 PM 0 Mini Croaks
13th August '07
Me : Hell. Excuse me, can I have d presentation just nw? (very politely, for those who knows
me shud be aware of my attitude and everything~~~)
Educator : No.. Why? Din u take d notes just nw?
Me : Yeah.. I did, but not entirely.. Can I have it as a reference then?
Educator : No.. Then if u din take d notes and just ask for d presentation, wats d use of u
going to lecture then?
Me : But…..
Educator : No..
That’s how it went, slightly tho’ most of the words the educator said to me iz all there~ I mean, ugh~ iz diz wat d kind of professionalism level the educator show us? Wats all d bullshit and crap dat they put on d brochures then? A promising good educator tat will help d student etc.. fcuk off lar!!!! Fcuk.. was soo damn pissed.. even my high school teacher never show dat kind of attitude… shit.. soo rude and.. ugh~~ beyond words of abuse!! Well let me tell u, u good for nothing, makan gaji only!! I always get wat I want, and when u dun give me wat I wants, hehe.. sorry to say.. ur engaging a war against me.. fine, u can just chuck me out of dis college, write a letter to my parents, write or complain me to d board, just do it!! I don care!!!!!!!! And to think tat I even wanna come here in d first place! My first choice was Taylors College!! I repeat, TAYLORS COLLEGE!!!!!!! Hehe~ right~ *sigh of relief* im all out.. dang, dat felt gud..
Ehem ehem… errr…. To all dat read dis blog up, sorry if u fell offended.. well, dis iz me.. I get mighty pissed and cranky if I dun get wat I want.. might even throw a fit or tantrum.. hehe.. sorry sowwy sowey~~~~ really, all I sed and mention above iz just wat i feel and wat Im trying to express.. huhu~ well, peeps do have d tendency to let everything slip over when their cranky side takes over.. huhuhuh~ just like me, theres no exception, tho my cranky side really do take over when I get pissed off.. hehehe~
For instance, when I fought with my bestie, I din talk to him ever since.. heheh~ quite typical drama-guy like.. huuhuh~ well, dats all for me getting angry todae.. for d time being, tho theres still a lot more to come.. bhahaha~~~
Durrrr… I’ll update later since nw I still dun have internet and all.. dang dis place…
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 12:56 PM 0 Mini Croaks
Friday, August 10, 2007
Yes!!!! Yess!!
Hey~ Guess wat? agen~ hahaha~ im having a lappie soon~ i guess.. hehehe~~ dhurrr... i know, kinda boring blog entry and all.. hahahaah~~~ dats all~
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 2:20 PM 0 Mini Croaks
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Wat Can I Say More? Hehe~
so last Monday nite, me, Abudi a.k.a. Abdullah and Emmad from Saudi Arab, and a guy, Ershad from Zambia went to Sunway Pyramid.. Well, Ershads d one who invited us.. hahh.. well, was quite ok tho dun feel too content about it.. well, I barely have time to buy anything!! They were walking too fast!! And only stop at certain store for less than a couple of minutes!!! I mean, hell! Iz dat enuf time to browse and buy anything? Dang these guys.. hahah~my type of strotting at a mall iz like to browse for every store and buy anything tat I want!! (well, s'long as I can afford it lah and hv considerable amount of cash during d tym.. hehe)well, above all, we had quite a gud time too.. ate kebab at one of d food booth around there.. ehehe.. Ershad treated us eventho' we refused over and over.. Mind u, d cashier was looking perplexed and confused and smiling at d same time.. dang.. dats a lot of expression.. hahaha~~ well, ended d night by a trip to Baskin n Robbins and bought ice cream.. well, buy ourselves la… aiyahhh.. u tink we all kena treat one arr? U go away la! Chewah!! Hehehe..took a picture… heheh.. Emmads, Ershad and dats me, wif d red shirt.. huhu~ (ps: I bought a double scoop ice crea while d others only single one.. ehehe.. im greedy! Way greedy! Heeheh~ well, d ice cream looks soooo sweet and nice and fluffy (?!?) sooo cute and sooo yummy!!! Hehehe~~ gotta have a double scoop or more but.. ehem ehem…….. if I eat too much, I'll be mega XXXL by d end of dis month.. hahahahha!! hehehe~
hey u know wat? (agen.. hhehe.. sowey.. I like dese phrase; agen.. heheh.. bear wif me.. huhu) my English class..(foundation English..) was.. err… iz very good!! Heheh.. realy really enjoyed it very much~ our lecturer, Hey-Yoh Mrs/Miss Juwidah iz very cool~ hahaha~ (ps: if anyone read dis and gets all quirky and stuff, hey, relax.. im just expressing my thoughts.. hahha.. no harm rite? Hehe.. OH AND IM NOT SUCKING UP TO HER!! Its just dat I enjoyed her class… hehe)heheh~ well, english class has been d only class tat i tink i can shine out one.. hihihuihihhhihihi~~ pity me for being dat way~ haahah~ hurm.. well, guess theres nothing much to say tho' but herll!! i do need a lappie on my own~ we have a project coming up and yeah, it needs a lappie to get it down.. and i havent check my friendster for a while!! oooo sooo sad!!!! like when im still at d mercy of my parents, chewah!! i used to log on to d internet for hours and hours and not even feeling tired, hungry, etc etc or having backache~ haahah~~ i need internet to survive~ huhu~
hey last night, erm.. was a wednesday night, 8th of august.. something weird happened. d whole desaria condo was in an absolute uproar.. in d midst of the black dark chilly scary night~ heheh~ i dunno wat happened tho'.. was watching anime "Mahoraba" tat imy fren gave me beforo coming to LUCT.. Yay!! few episodes left and its finish! heheheh~~ well, thisz wat happened.. while i was happily watching d anime, heard peeps screaming, shouting, barking, shrieking, etc etc from outside.. when i opened d window, woaaaaa~~~~~ saw peeps from all Tower A,B and C was outside on their balcony and shouting~ well, to be short, making noise.. hell, how do i knw wats happening... went out to ask my housemate about it, but hes having no clue as well. dang`~~~ and dats wat happened.. peeps started to cheer and throwing stuff to d pool and all.. wow.. iz diz college life? i mean, its kinda wild and all but its fun along d way.. hahaha~ never experience dis kind of things before.. hahaha~ was a brand new xciting exp for me.. hehehe~~ and some peeps start burning something (like a flamethrower that~ dunno how dey do tat~ hahaha) some peeps threw water and all... shit~ i got hit by d falling water.. curses!!!! the water better be clean or im lodging a report!!!!! hehehehe~~
k.. dats all... dang~~ really really really wish can blog quite often.. ehehheh~~ and its hard not to have my own lappie~~ wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 3:41 PM 0 Mini Croaks
Thursday, August 2, 2007
oh my god!!!! crap crap!!!! crap!!! i hate dis school!!! errr... well, i like it but!! arrrgghhhhh!! i hate d library computers!!! d connection soo slow one!! like want to die only!! and i cant even access friendster coz its being blocked!!! shit!!!! i need a laptop!!!!!!!! laptop!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laptop!!!!!!!!! Crap!!! and guess wat? i made new frenz.. my roommate dat turns out to be a guyy from Saudi Arabia.. Hehe~ hes ok, very nice.. offered me his extra bed sheet.. heheh~ funny guy tho'.. cant really speak english dat well but he's trying.. hehe~ he took english course here, at LUCT.. hehe~ he even told me tat its way lot cheaper here than his place.. owh~ figures.. hahaha`.. he introduced me to his arabian frenz last nite.. hurm.. they're ok tho a bit scruffy looking.. heheh~ sowey~~~ im not complaining.. much.. heheh~ and today iz d first class i had.. well, had a placement test instead.. urrr... quite flushed by it.. hopefully i can lulus la and get gud marks.. heheheheheh~~
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 4:18 PM 0 Mini Croaks