Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Cowok and Cewekz.. =]
Kata Cewek Tentang Cowok
Kalo Cowok Ganteng pendiam
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Wow, cool banget..
Kalo Cowok Jelek pendiam
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Ih kuper..
Kalo Cowok Ganteng begaya gaul
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Funky bo..
Kalo Cowok Jelek begaya gaul
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Ih norak..
Kalo Cowok Ganteng jomblo
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Pasti dia perfeksionis
Kalo Cowok Jelek jomblo
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Sudah jelas..kagak laku!
Kalo Cowok Ganteng jadi gay
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Karena cowo2 juga suka
Kalo Cowok Jelek jadi gay
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Karna cewe2 uda ga berminat
Kalo Cowok Ganteng ganti2 cewe
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Wajar, khan dikerubutin cewe2 cantik
Kalo Cowok Jelek ganti2 cewe
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Pasti sering diputusin cewenya
Kalo Cowok Ganteng dpt cewe cantik
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Klop..serasi banget
Kalo Cowok Jelek dpt cewe cantik
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Pasti main dukun..atau cewenya matre
Kalo Cowok Ganteng ditolak cewe
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Jangan sedih, khan masi ada aku...
Kalo Cowok Jelek ditolak cewe
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: (Diam,tapi telunjuknya meliuk2 dari atas kebwh)
Kalo Cowok Ganteng diputusin cewe
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Rugi tuh cewe..tapi rejeki buat cewe yg lain
Kali Cowok Jelek diputusin cewe
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Akhirnya terbuka juga mata hati cewe itu...
Kalo Cowok Ganteng suka merawat wajah
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Itu memelihara asset namanya..
Kalo Cowok Jelek suka merawat wajah
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Buang-buang waktu aja...
Kalo Cowok Ganteng ngaku Indo campuran
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Emang mirip-mirip bule sih..
Kalo Cowok Jelek ngaku Indo campuran
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Campuran bemo sama becak, kali..
Kalo Cowok Ganteng penyayang binatang
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Perasaannya halus...penuh cinta kasih
Kalo Cowok Jelek penyayang binatang
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Sesama keluarga emang hrs saling menyayangi...
Kalo Cowok Ganteng jadi atasan
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Cocok..tampangnya aja intelek
Kalo Cowok Jelek jadi atasan
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Ga pantes, muka jongos...
Kalo Cowok Ganteng jago main gitar
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Most talented boy..
Kalo Cowok Jelek jago main gitar
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Pasti tukang ngamen..
Kalo Cowok Ganteng bawa BMW
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Matching...keren luar dalem
Kalo Cowok Jelek bawa BMW
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Punya majikan ya...
Kalo Cowok Ganteng ngaku pernah ML
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Iyalah,cewenya pasti 'ngasih'...
Kalo Cowok Jelek ngaku pernah ML
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Sama WTS mana?
Kalo Cowok Ganteng jadi biker
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Kaya Valentino Rossi ya..
Kalo Cowok Jelek jadi biker
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Pasti sekalian ngojek..
Kalo Cowok Ganteng kulitnya gelap
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Si hitam Manis..
Kalo Cowok Jelek kulitnya gelap
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Si Dakochan....
Kalo Cowok Ganteng gondrong
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Macho..Rocker Style!
Kalo Cowok Jelek gondrong
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Buat nutupin muka..
Kalo Cowok Ganteng suaranya bagus
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Jadi penyanyi aja...
Kalo Cowok Jelek suaranya bagus
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Kenapa ga jadi kenek aja..??
Kalo Cowok Gante! ng bodynya berotot
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Wiii gila, sixpack!...seksi bo!
Kalo Cowok Jelek bodynya berotot
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Biar orang ga mratiin tampangnya,tuh..
Kalo Cowok Ganteng males difoto
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Pasti takut fotonya kesebar-sebar
Kalo Cowok Jelek males difoto
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Nggak tega liat hasil cetakannya ya?..
Kalo Cowok Ganteng keringetan
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Pasti abis olahraga..sporty boo!
Kalo Cowok Jelek keringetan
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Abis ngangkut beras di mana?
Kalo Cowok Ganteng naik MOGE
Cewek-Cewe! k Bilang: Ow..Lorenzo Lamas, bikin lemas..
Kalo Cowok Jelek naik MOGE
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Awas, mandragade lewat..
Kalo Cowok Ganteng jadi selebritis
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Kalo ngga model ya bintang film..
Kalo Cowok Jelek jadi selebritis
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Pasti pelawak atau penyanyi dangdut...
Kalo Cowok Ganteng menyendiri
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Gak mau jadi pusat perhatian
Kalo Cowok Jelek menyendiri
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Minder kali...
Kalo Cowok Ganteng humoris
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Orangnya asyik ya...
Kalo Cowok Jelek humoris
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Cari perhatian tuh..
Kalo Cowok Ganteng belagu
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Maklum beken...
Kalo Cowok Jelek belagu
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Muke lu jauh...!!
Kalo Cowok Ganteng romantis
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: sweet..
Kalo Cowok Jelek romantis
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: make me sick!
Kalo Cowok Ganteng pake kacamata item
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Kereen...jadi inget film Matrix
Kalo Cowok Jelek pake kacamata item
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Cocok..tinggal kasi tongkat aja..
Kalo Cowo! k Ganteng minta kissing
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Boleeh..tapi yg soft ya...
Kalo Cowok Jelek minta kissing
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Ih jijayy..sama pispot aja sana!
Kalo Cowok Ganteng berbuat jahat
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Nobody's perfect
Kalo Cowok Jelek berbuat jahat
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Pantes..tampangnya aja kriminil..!!
Kalo Cowok Ganteng nuangin air kegls cewe
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Ini baru cowo gentleman..
Kalo Cowok Jelek nuangin air kegls cewe..
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Naluri pembantu, emang gitu..
Kalo Cowok Ganteng nolongin cewe yg diganggu preman
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Wuih jantan..kaya difilm-film action
Kalo Cowok Jelek nolongin cewe yg diganggu preman
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Premannya pasti temen dia...
Kalo Cowok Ganteng bersedih hati
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Let me be your shoulder to cry on
Kalo Cowok Jelek bersedih hati
Cewek-Cewek Bilang: Cengeng amat!! Lelaki bukan sih..?!
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 9:46 PM 0 Mini Croaks
Labels: Cool things, Random, Social Problem
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
It's been ages since I updated.. Sadly..
First and foremost, its my final now..
So busy doing my work i.e. drawings..
Second, I am still having as much fun as usual..
Going for a movie this Friday..
2012!! And I've already bought the tickets! Credit card! WOOHOO!!
I'm thinking of watching a movie tomorrow too ( Thursday ).. But.. Bummer..
Third, watched Phobia 2 last Friday.. ^^
Was nice.. I guess..
What else..?
I'm stuck..
( Most boring update... T__T" )
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 2:04 AM 0 Mini Croaks
Labels: Daily Rants
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Note to self...
Wants 2009 :
- EOS 450D Kit EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 8:18 AM 1 Mini Croaks
Labels: Shopping
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Seriously, I did nothing today.. Nothing significant, except sleeping and Facebooking.. =] Oh I know the sleeping part makes me sound like a pig; but hear me out first.. I slept around 4am yesterday and woke up around 630am and been awake since then.. I continued sleeping around 12pm, and woke up around 5pm.. Hahahah.. And haven't had dinner till well past 10pm.. Hurm.. What an unhealthy life.. T____T"
Here's an interesting thought, I read in Readers Digest that you can loose weight while sleeping.. So, I was like, can I sleep my whole life out and loose weight? Should try this, you know.. Sleep continuously for 1 week, or in another word, hybernate for a week, and see the result.. XD
I've been chatting with this guy for almost 2weeks already and yeah, I can say we're quite the friend, or combination.. His name is Tan Kok Chuan, a 15year old from Singapore; whom I address as bro.. And to start the "fire", he called me uncle.. Damn cibai.. XD We;ve met in Facebook, and began chatting and eventually web-cam-ing in Msn, everyday.. Chu Chu is a normal sweet boy that like any other boy in their puberty, have problems with girls, their hormones, temper and stuff like that.. And he turn to me about those stuff, which I gladly advice and giving tips.. =] More or less, I enjoyed this so much cause I never have a brother, only sister.. =]
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 5:00 AM 0 Mini Croaks
Sunday, September 20, 2009
And guess what? I am alone.. Alone as alone that I can be.. There's nobody in this house, only me.. My housemates? They all went back to their hometown already, for the Raya festive..
Oh and in case you're wondering why I didn't follow suit and go back to my hometown? The air tickets too expensive lah.. Almost 1k.. Better go shopping with it.. Hehehe.. And I do have my Cambodia trip to worry about, so yeah.. It's better to not go back.. What a waste of money it will be..
And guess what? Tomorrow is Raya! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! So happy.. Times like this made me reminisce about celebrating it with my dearest family.. And the first morning of Raya and the awkwardness that my sis and I felt during the "forgive-session" with both our parents.. Hahaha..
Silly.. I miss those.. =]
Guess now can just do it over the phone or web-cam call.. XD
Technology wise eh?
Anyway, here I would like to wish everybody; even the non-Muslims a very Happy Raya Aidilfitri.. Maaf Zahir dan Batin a.k.a. Sorry from the bottom of my heart..
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 2:57 AM 0 Mini Croaks
Labels: alone, Raya Aidilfitri
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Needless to say, do not waste any more of your time and search for these incredible, short videos and see why they have made the world! Hahaha.. In a literal sense, they mean a lot la.. Haiz.. Really meaningful..
Treat them as a plea for fellow producers to make people start thinking, and talk about what we feel about the current problems regarding social problems in our very own beloved country, Malaysia...
"In the past 20 years especially, we don't have a public forum to express public issues." Quoted from Pete Teo, Pg.22,TimeOutKL,18September 2009 Issue.
Now that is something that we shoud think about.. Promises have been made by all those big people, but were they carried out..? Oh dear.. I am talking bad about them.. Hahaha.. Please lock the door, and keep quiet about this.. I might get sued or hang.. And I still do want to live.. XD
I wonder if any of the donations, events, whatever to help those poor people are for real and sincere, or just means of publicity to show that these "big people" are working their part of bargain? No matter where we go, poverty are still at large.. Sad huh..?
Hurm.. We know just how much bad the socio-econo problems in our own country, but we turn a blind eye towards them, trying to shove that image of "poor people" away from our mind.. And in the meantime, no matter how much better our lives compared to them, we still whine and and complaint, wanting more.. Aren't we splendid, if I may ask? Hahaha!
No no, don't get me wrong.. I am not saying this because I am trying to be a goody-goody, but I am also one of those people who still whines and complaints about my life, eventhough my life now has been very very pleasant. And I knw I am no difference to them rich brats, but at least I still do still donate to those in needs.. Hahahah!
Don't believe me? Ask my mommy la!!! T_T"
If you ask me, what would my favourite film or theme among the 15 Malaysia? Hehe.. That would be Chocolate, by Yasmin Ahmad.. And no, I did not pick this because I like Yasmin Ahmad.. ( Oh, May Allah bless her.. ) It's because her film was about RACISM!!! One of the thing that I really cannot understand and tolerate.. I mean, why do you have to be racist??? Can't you just wake up and smell the breeze??? We've all been living together for soooo long, and yet, you still talk about racial difference!! Shame on you!!! ( Ehem, you refers to stinky evil racist people, not you-you.. )
I hate it!! I hate racism!! T____T" Really hate!! I can poo-poo on racism and still not be satisfied!! Grrrr!!! Why can't we all just live happily, side by side?? ( Sounds gay, but I'll live by it! No problem..)
Ugh.. Tomorrow got class.. Sei sei sei!! T___T" Need to sleep.. Night2.. =]
Mr. Big People, please do not hate me.. XD
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 3:33 AM 0 Mini Croaks
Labels: 15 Malaysia, Racist, Social Problem, Yasmin Ahmad
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
What A Day...
OMG!!! It's that time of the semester again... RED EYE!!!
* inserts very scary thrilling sound, like those in psycho movies*
( why? then you will notice this picture is actually photoshopped to be exaggerating.. hehe.. )
Hahahaha.. Don't worry la.. Its not red eye.. It's actually caused by long term use of contact lense, and thus resulting this very itchy, unpleasant red effect.. And as an added bonus, it scares people away too..
Today I went to campus to pay for my Cambodia Trip.. Cost me RM1712.. The clerk, Ms. May, she was avoiding my gaze all the time, I noticed.. Hahaha.. I bet she's scared of my eyes.. XD
Funny eh? I feel like scaring her even more by bulging my eyes, but naahhhh... I'm fasting.. Cannot do something bad.. Hehehe..
Oh daym.. I am so sleepy.. Haven't slept since yesterday 5pm.. Hoho.. But funny, I don't feel that tired, just sleepy.. Hehehe.. Hey wait! Somethings sounds wrong.. I am tired, but I am sleepy.. Hurm.. Let me ponder more on this.. =]
Well, anyway, since there's nothing better to do now, and I am quite sleepy..
So, Sleep Shall I.....
Night Night all.. =]
Sweet dreams..
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 12:26 AM 0 Mini Croaks
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I can't sleep...
I'm bored...
I'm still outraged...
I'm still jealous as ever!!!
I'm still not done changing my blogs' template!!!
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 7:43 AM 0 Mini Croaks
Labels: Insomnia
Facebooks' Quiz..
Rule : respond to these as sarcastic/mean as you could.
(YR stands for Your Response)
happy reading =D
If an annoying person says :
1) I am cute.
YR : That uncle over there is more cute than you.. T_T
2) I am the most beautiful/handsome.
YR : Ah..? What..? Oh yeah, yes,. You are ugly.. That's what u said, right?
3) See, everyone loves me because I am rich and famous.
YR : Who are you..? o.O
4) Unlike you, I am perfectly multi-skilled. I do everything very well from sports to academic thing.
YR : Yeah.. Ur the first in everything, right..? First frm the back.. T_T
5) You don't know me? I am Bruneian artist; I have albums.
YR : Yeah, i knw u.. ur albums sells a dollar each..
If an annoying hot woman/man says :
1) I know you like me.
YR : sorry.. but i am more interested in that uncle/auntie there..
2) What are u looking at? I am not interested in you!
YR : im looking at ur boobs.. theyre small fr a woman.. T_T
3) Sorry, you're nice but seriously not my type.
YR : Oooo the feelings mutual.. im glad we hv an agreement.. XD
4) UNLESS you are rich, then don't dream that I will get a ride with you!
YR : sorry, im gay.. T_T i dont offer rides to chicks like u..
5) Look, I am pretty/ handsome; I can make people hate you!
YR : i am innocent.. lets see who wins..
If an annoying extremely ugly woman/man says :
1) I think you and I can make a good couple.
YR : look here, ugly _____, i am nt interested.. thnk u..
2) May I have your cell phone number? please please please?
YR : i forgot my number..
3) Hi, wanna hang out? I want you to be with me the whole night.
YR : so sweet.. but im already booked fr the night.. sry..
4) What do you like about me?
YR : ur ugly.. then i can make fun of u all night long..
5) I want you to say that I am pretty/handsome and you like me soooooooo much!
YR : God forbid me if i tell lies.. >_< i wanna go Heaven, ok?
If your enemy says :
1) Hi bitch!
YR : yo, whats up? i heard u gt arrested dat day fr giving oral..? hw cud u?
2) You smell like shit!
YR : no more than u do, asshole..
3) What an ugly creature you are!
YR : i throw the same word back at u..
4) I am going to kick your ass in this race for sure.
YR : wat ever.. T_T
If your annoying ex says :
1) I still love you...
YR : =]
2) I know you still love me!
YR : erm.. can we talk about sumthng else..?
3) Please, come back with me honey/hubby...
YR : i.. err... i.. am gay now.. ^^
4) Please call me...
YR : let me see... hurm..
5) The break up hurt me so much...
YR : i'm sorry..
If an annoying salesperson says :
1) Wow! You are so pretty/handsome!
YR : Thnks.. more pls..?
2) Seriously, I used this product and I've changed!
YR : u changed into a grotesque monster instead.. sorry, im nt interestd.. T_T
3) We are giving a discount up to 50%!
YR : cool!! but i dont buy thngs on discounts.. so cheap//.. T_T
4) This one is good sir/madam. Buy sir/madam. Buy...
YR : i already gt this at home.. T_T
p/s :
this is soo stupid.. i am nt the evil type le.. >_<
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 12:44 AM 0 Mini Croaks
Monday, September 14, 2009
Time For A New Change...
It's time for a change.. Oh, please note the repetition..
Please bear with me for the time being..
Thank you...
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 6:04 AM 1 Mini Croaks
Labels: Change
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I am soo damn angry!!
Take cover!!

Am I soo drama..? That's the response I get from my lil' bro all the time.. Hahaha.. Kept saying that I am so dramatic, thus why he laugh all the time when we Msn-web-camming every day.. Figures, eh?
Today I am utterly, disturbingly, irrepairable ANGRY!! Aaaarrgghhh!! I feel so angry I can slap somebody!! Sigh.. I think I know what contributed to this anger, but its not nice saying it here since its soo public.. Sad eh? Wanting to share the truth and yet, having to hold back the thought to avoid tears, shouting, madness, and probably bloodshed.. Hahaha.. ( Get the drama part now..? )
Sometime I really want to let all my hair down and just do as I please, do whatever it is that is inside my fucking head and Go.. Just go, and express what I feel rather than having to wait till everything turns to the worse.. Aaarrgghh.. How does it feel not to have emotions eh? Will it help making saying thinsgs a hell lot easier..?

For once, I wish I can ignore my emotions and just express it all without taking note of others expressions.. >_< Sheesh.. I am not emo!! No way!! I just notice emotions more.. Hehehe.. I can read face, as I put it.. I judge you through observations, on how you act, how you talk.. Everything.. From that, I can say I can predict what you going to do when you're angry, when you're everything.. XD Weird eh? Ooooooo I want to scrunch your face sooooo bad!!! Aaarrgghh!! I want to pull your hair till you scream for mercy!! Aaaarrggghhh!!! Eeeeee!!!!! Go to hell!!!!!
Ah daym! I still have unfinished assignments.. But HELL I'm going out of my room.. No way! I might explode, for all that matter.. Sheesh.. Even the tiniest little thing now may trigger my already managed anger.. Haiz.. It's so hard.. I want a new house.. Can I..?
-roz/still angry-
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 2:19 AM 0 Mini Croaks
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Eeee what to write?
Geez, I am soo soo bored lah.. There's nothing to do, with my only 1 day per week class schedule, I am left to dead most of the time.. Oh and please do not remind me to do my assignments, cause I damn HELL finish them in time.. ( and perfectly, too.. haha.. )
Hurm, a quick re-cap for August.. Hurm.. I guess I spent RM2K( +/- ) in the first two weeks, and another RM1K ( +/- ) towards the end of the month.. Bad huh..? Mum called me and ranted like she never did before, saying the credit cards' the main reason all this happened.. Hahaha.. She even threatened to cancel my card if I didn't change my spending flow.. Geez.. That really made my heartbeat stopped, for a second of so.. ( well, at least I still have my cash supplies.. XD )
Hurm.. So far so good on life, I've made some new friends.. Great friends, in fact.. But I guess I did lose some friends along the way too.. Hurm.. I wonder why.. I guess we did kind of grew apart on each other, and nobody did anything to save it, nor did anyone tried.. Sad, considering the fact we were quite "okay" last time.. Now we barely speak to each other, unless in a needed situation.. Sigh.. I guess this is what life is..? We gain new thing, we lose something in return..?
Hurm.. Oh note to self, Never NEVER NEVER... Err.. scratch that.. It's not worth saying it here.. Today I went to Pavillion KL for the second time.. I was here yesterday.. I was walking with my friends when I noticed this guy were staring at me.. And I damn made sure I didn't look suspicious or wearing anything out of the ordinary.. Then it came to my head, was this guy checking me out..? Sheesh.. I know Pavillion being a hub for gay people but I never knew any would be looking my way.. T____T" Swt.. So weird.. Lucky he's cute or I wouldn't be paying attention to him.. LOLx! Anywya, ignoring him, I walked past him, and that's all there is to it.. I wonder what would other people do in this condition.? Do they give in or something..? Hurm.. Well, I am not that good in making the first contact, cause I am.. a very very anxious person.. Hahahah! So, I never was the first to approach others, and just remain quiet till they approach me instead..
I'm not being bitchy, okay..? That's just the way I am.. o.O
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 2:37 AM 1 Mini Croaks
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Something is definitely wrong with me..
It's 2.24am in the morning, and yet I am still awake, even though I have class the following noon.. I guess that doesn't do much harm right? My class be starting around 1pm anyway, and that pretty much all the class I have this semester...
Woooaaa!! Wait!! I know you might be wondering, "what the fcuk? Only 1 class???" Yea, you heard right.. I only have 1 class this whole semester.. For me, this is mighty fun, but for you, you'd be shaking your head or smile.. Or something.. The truth is, I brought this on myself.. I was having so much fun, and I skipped class and all, didn't hand in assignments ( not that I know what assignment there was.. ) Silly eh? During the process, I wasted a HELL LOT OF MONEY!
Sigh.. I wonder what is wrong with me ( we're way over about the 1 class 1 semester stuff ) I get so easily affected by everything.. I get moody so easily, I get sad easily.. Let's just say, I'm turning into an emo' person!! >_<
And no, I do not cut myself or anything.. It's just that I am easily affected, emotionally.. I watched a movie past two days, " Love of Siam ".. Yeaaaa!! I know, it's a gay-movie and all, but it centralized on love values, and about life itself.. It's really good.. =]
It's really good till I am still thinking about it until now! I mean, I can't let it out of my mind.. That's all I'm thinking.. I can't stop listening to its soundtrack, and it's been going on the loop for ages in my iTunes.. There's like, something pulling me to this story.. I can't think of anything reasonable out of this.. Does my self yearn for such love..? Or does my self yearn to be as lucky as them..? Or be as attractive..? Hahahah.. Seriously, I have no idea.. I can't even tell myself what it is I am thinking.. There's too much feelings and thoughts runnning through my mind now..
I wish I am an open book, so I can just easily read myself and easily figure out what is wrong with me.. I mean, all these emotion thingy, they're girls job right..? T_T
Oh I am fasting now.. It's the fasting month.. Haha.. Feels good.. I only have one meal one day, and I try to limit myself by only eating 3slices of ham/bologna/chicken and 3pieces of bread and fresh salad.. Yea, I only eat sandwich during the breaking fast with soya milk..
p/s : I do not eat during supper / sahur' ( eating in the morning ).. Reason why? I hate waking up and simply I just don't feel like eating in the morning.. =]
Ciao.. I'll try updating regularly now.. hahah!
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 2:24 AM 0 Mini Croaks
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Back.. ^^
Hurm, so far ive been stucked in my humtown, Kota Kinabalu fr almost 2weeks nw.. been here since 2nd July and up till dat day till now, i hvnt done anythng but staying at hum doin nuthn and eating and surfing the net.. i knw, lucky ders internet eh? if nt, id be dead here.. T_T
been forcing me mum to rent me a car since both parents ( mum n dad.._ are using their cars and pretty much busy with their works and stuff, they hv no time to send me here and there and pick-me up and all..but she refused, saying its mar fan la, this la, that la.. cheh.. ketara wan kurung me at hum s i wont spend so much money.. heheh.. typical.. >_< haiz.. and OHHH!! i am so pissed off!! dad bought a new car!! and its nt fr me!! i mean like, wtf!?! ( fyi, he bought the new car fr his bizness partner to use in another place.. ) BULL!! Wat about me??? haiz.. so unfair.. Okay heres the thing, dad beens soo rich these few months, but hes soo stingy!! he doesnt even give me money!! ( ok, i lied, he did gave me like, 1k per month when im in KL fr my expenditure, and the rest frm me mum.. ) STINGY OLD MAN!! I can finish 1k in a few hours!! T_T
hurm, it seems dat my blog serves no other purposes but a place fr my rantings eh? hahah.. hurm, shud change my banner d.. >_< 上周我买ipod shuffle.. 哪个是很便宜了!三百三十九.. cheap or nt? hehe..


can say tat this is my frst Ipod la, since i never invest money in this kind of thing b4.. and after purchasing em' i feel regret.. T_T i mean, i rely too much on my laptop more than anythng.. i realised dat ipod doesnt help much.. but anyway, its a good accessory la.. ^^ mine one is the silver 1, since the black doesnt really catch my eye.. or maybe because the guy tat attend to me dat day was wearing white therefore his apperance might hv clouded my judgemnt.. ^^
i wonder wat to do nw? i am sooo bored, stucked at hum with only the internet at my disposal.. T_T somebody come pick me up!!! haiz... >_______< hurry hurry b4 i die of boredom here!! and i hvnt been eating breakfast/lunch since like, forever!! haiz.. the maid doesnt cook me anythng!! T_T so grrrrr...!!! feel like shouting at her, but,. geez.. swt..
i cant wait to go bek KL.. Waaaaaaaaaaaa!!
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 12:46 AM 0 Mini Croaks
Labels: Bored, ipod shuffle
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Oooooo wantan Ho~
I've been wanting to eat a nice, homemade wantan ho for ages now.. I dunno why, i guess these cravings just come and go as they please, making me suffer in agony and longing.. >_< And now, i want wantan ho!! And i want it asap!! So, i invited Daniel and Chris in a search for wantan ho around Cyberjaya with very little hope.. Hurm.. Theres this new restaurant in Satyam area, which seems to be a rather grand lavish restaurant for students like us to enter, mind you.. So, we went there despite knowing at least rm50m wud be spent at least.. But hey, so what?

Anyway the restaurants name is, something Kitchen Village or sumthng.. Kinda normal name, if u ask me.. Can find anywhere one laaa.. But lo and behold! The restaurants interior rock big time!!


So nice one geh.. Looks like Madam Kwan's, but better. I like the ambience here.. Its the kind of restaurant that makes u wanna hang out, relax, chill, forget the time and just enjoy the good food here..
The food? hahah~ We're just geting there right? The food is awesome man!!! Its the type of food that reminds me bek home, Kota KInabalu.. ^^ Well, u can find them anywhere la, but fr me, it reminds me of home.. ^^ "Tun kai" or herbal chicken with chinese dates, fried aromatic duck, claypot, tofu.. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! I wanna go bek KK now!!!
p/s : the price is kinda reasonable i guess.. Its really those Madam Kwan's type of price laa..
And without further ado, me and Chris ordered wantan ho, and Daniel's seafood fried rice.. And ive been arguing with myself whether i should or not order the tunkai" since dats one of the top listed food in my "to-eat menu".. hehe.. But in the end, naaahhh... Next time la.. Bo lui.. >____<"

Oh heres the wantan ho.. Hhhahaha~ Cost me RM13.90.. Okaaayyyy laaa.. tho bek in KK i can get the same one fr RM5.00 and with the freshest prawn ever!! >_< Haiz.. But yea, i'll definitely come here again.. No doubt in that.. Maybe fr my bday, i'll treat my homies here eh? ^^ p/s : mum, i use the credit card a? hehehe~



Well, after paying etc, we went to this restaurant beside Kitchen Village fr sweet treats.. Tong Shui or sumthng.,. Now, this one was design in a way that it is open-air instead of using airconds and stuff.. And because of this, theres ppl smoking and all.. Eugh.. I cant stand smokers.. I hope they all go smoke and die somewhere far far away from me.. >_<>_< So just proceed to ordering using the order chit used in soo many restaurants nowadays.. ^^ remind me of Old Town oooo..

And guess wat? i got a very nice number oo!! it reminds me of all the fun and naughtiness of these numbers.. hahahha!! 69.. hahahh~ Also reminds me of the zodiac cancer.. >_< But the 69-69 is a better thought tho.. ^^ i wonder who 69 here? LOL~~




The slushies were awesome!! Its not as sweeet as i thought it wud be, which is good..!! Hhahaha~ And its sooo soft.. It looks soo solid but as soon as it touches ur tongues a.k.a. in ur mouth, it melts straight away.. Oooo~
Well.. i malas wan elaborate more la.. So hideous laaa my blog and language.. hehehe~ And geeshh.. boy do i need to save fr my Miri / Brunei trip? >_<
And guess wat? Ive been saving ooo!! Hhahaha~ Ive been keeping money insde my tabung.. err, tin can which i bought frm Daiso, IOI Mall, Puchong.. ^^
So cute right? hahahah~ Well, heres all.. i malas wan type so long laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... feel like crying nw.. my back hurts soo much of facing my laptop fr many hours nw.. >_<
and i still hv my journals to work on.. haiz!!!
k la, signing out.. ^^
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 2:41 AM 1 Mini Croaks
Labels: food, Kitchen Village, Wantan Ho
Saturday, June 6, 2009
I'm so busy and im broke.. danggggg... i only hv 1 50 notes left in my wallet!!
pls pls help!! >_<
( will nt update anytime soon.. busy.. T_T _
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 2:22 AM 0 Mini Croaks
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I did 77 thngs out of 132 "COOL" things.. hehhe~
You are required to answer ALL the following questions.
Tag 16 people and re-post it with the title:
I've done ___ out of these 132 stupid things.
Level 1
(x) Smoked A Cigarette
( ) Smoked A Cigar
(x) Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(x) Drank Alcohol
Level 2
(x) Are / Been In Love
( ) Been Dumped
(x) Shoplifted
( ) Been Fired
(x) Been In A Fist Fight
Level 4
(x) Had A Crush On An Older Person
(x) Skipped School
(x) Slept With A Co-worker/Classmate
(x) Seen Someone / Something Die
SO FAR: 10
Level 5
(x) Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends
( ) Been To Paris
( ) Been To Spain
( ) Thrown Up From Drinking
SO FAR: 11
Level 6
(x) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been Snowboarding
(x) Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook
( ) Been in a Mosh Pit
Level 7
( ) Been In An Abusive Relationship
(x) Taken Pain Killers
(x) Love/loved Someone Who You Cant Have
(x) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
( ) Made A Snow Angel
SO FAR: 16
Level 8
(x ) Had A Tea Party
(x) Flown A Kite
(x ) Built A Sand Castle
(x ) Gone mudding (i assume this means playing in the mud)
(x) Played Dress Up
SO FAR: 16
Level 9
( ) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
( ) Gone Sledging
(x) Cheated While Playing A Game
(x) Been Lonely
(x) Fallen Asleep At Work / School
SO FAR: 19
Level 10
(x) Watched The Sun Set
(x) Felt An Earthquake (damn scary!)
( ) Killed A Snake
SO FAR: 21
Level 11
(x) Been Tickled
(x) Been Robbed / Vandalized
(x) Been cheated
(x) Been Misunderstood
SO FAR: 24
Level 12
(x) Won A Contest
( ) Been Suspended From School
(x) Had Detention
( ) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident
SO FAR: 26
Level 13
( ) Had / Have Braces
(x) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
( ) Danced in the moonlight
SO FAR: 27
Level 14
(x) Hated The Way You Look
(x) Witnessed A Crime
( ) Pole Danced
(x) Questioned Your Heart
(x) Been obsessed with post-it-notes
SO FAR: 31
Level 15
(x ) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
(x) Been Lost
( ) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
(x) Swam In The Ocean
(x ) Felt Like You Were Dying ( i wanted to.. )
Level 16
(x) Cried Yourself To Sleep
(x) Played Cops And Robbers
(x) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
(x) Sang Karaoke
(x) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins
SO FAR: 40
Level 17
(x) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
(x) Made a Prank Phone Call
( ) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
(x) Kissed In The Rain
SO FAR: 43
Level 18
( ) Written A Letter To Santa Claus
(x) Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
(x) Blown Bubbles
(x) Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere
SO FAR: 46
Level 19
( ) Crashed A Party
( ) Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
( ) Gone Rollerskating / Blading
(x) Had A Wish Come True
( ) Been Humped By Any Animal
Level 20
( ) Worn Pearls
( ) Jumped Off A Bridge
( ) Swore at the teacher, in front of them
( ) Swam With Dolphins
SO FAR: 47
Level 22
( ) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cube
( ) Kissed A Fish
(x) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
(x) Sat On A Roof Top
SO FAR: 49
Level 23
(x) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
( ) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel
( ) Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours
(x) Recently stayed Up for a while talking to someone you care about
SO FAR: 51
Level 24
( ) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
(x) Climbed A Tree
(x) Had/Been In A Tree House
( ) Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone
Level 25
( ) Believed In Ghosts
( ) Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
( ) Gone Streaking (what is this???)
( ) Visited Jail
SO FAR: 52
Level 26
(x) Played Chicken
(x ) Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
(x) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
( ) Broken A Bone
(x) Been Easily Amused
Level 27
(x) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
() Made A Porn Video/got asked to make one (wtfish??)
(x) Caught A Butterfly
(x) Laughed So Hard You Cried
(x) Cried So Hard You Laughed
SO FAR: 60
Level 28
(x ) Mooned/Flashed Someone
(x) Had Someone Moon/Flash You
(x) Cheated On A Test
(x) Forgotten Someone's Name
( ) French Braided Someones Hair
(x) Gone Skinny Dipping
(x) Been Kicked Out Of Your House
(x)Tried to hurt yourself
SO FAR: 67
Level 29
(x) Rode A Roller Coaster
(x) Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling
() Had A Cavity
( ) Black-Mailed Someone
(x) Been Black Mailedx
Level 31
(x) Been Used
(x) Fell Going Up The Stairs
( ) Licked A Cat
(x) Bitten Someone
(x) Licked Someone
SO FAR: 74
Level 32
( ) Been shot at/or at gunpoint
( ) Had sex in the rain
(x) Flattened someones tires
(x) Rode your car/truck until the gas light came on
(x) Got five dollars or less worth of gas
I've done 67 out of these 132 things. Your turn to do it then.
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 11:07 PM 0 Mini Croaks
Labels: Cool things
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I got Sick..
As much as dejected and sad I am, i never put on a sad face ( well, to most people ) and always put on a BIG BIG FAKE SMILE so dat everyone thinks dat Im okay; fine et cetera..
Deep inside, I was hurt.. Like, torn to tiny lil' marshmallow pieces, shredded like cheap A4 paper, and minced like the minced beef they sell in Cold Storage.. Sigh.. I've been enduring all these pains for almost one week now ( yesterday was the 7th day.. ) and today, ( the eight day ) i fell sick.. hoho~
Dont get me wrong.. It is rare for me to fall sick.. I mean, its like watching cactus grow.. Err, the POINT is, I dont get sick dat often.. ^^
Urrrr, i got these nasty cough, flu or fever.. ( i dunno.. wats the difference? Hahahha~ ) My head is super heavy, like someone just placed a big big weight on it.. And everywhere i go, its soooo cold!! Like theres a hidden floating air-conditioner hovering, following me everywhere i go!! Buurrrrr!!! And i can hardly breathe thru my nose since theres this ooey gooey stuff.. What do u call them..? Phlegym..? Eh wait! Tats in your throat!! Ewww.. Mucuous..? Lol~~
And yea, when im sick, im mooody.. Lets just say, all this things/events are related to one another.. Ehem ehem..
When i WANT something, I WILL ALWAYS, ALWAYS gets it no matter what.. And if i dont, i'll sulk, refuse to eat, throwing fits, tantrums, bitch fight, etc etc till i get it..
And i still dont get what i want, i fall sick.. ( last resort.. )
and here i am, sick as my last resort.. a plea to get wat i want.. and so far, nothng happened yet.. Drat!! >_<
While i was stuck in my room, pretending to be someone tat is on their deathbed ( im sick, but im just exaggerating things up.. ) i got this BRILLIANT idea!!
Why not just buy the dog, no matter what the price and keep them in someones house till the one who din want the dog move away..? Errr.. Hw to explain..
Okay.. A housemate of mine refused to have a dog in the house saying it will only complicates things up, u get the drift.. But, that person would be leaving LimKokWing the end of this year.. Which means if tat person is no longer in this house, I CAN BRING POCHI IN!! MUhahaha~
So, now all i have to do is find a victim ( friend ) of mine that is willing to care for Pochi ( the name fr the dog.. ) in the meantime.. And ive decided to torture Hansen.. ^^ Heheheh~
Why Hansen? Awww nothing.. Just because i like to mock him and kacau him, just to see his angry face.. hihi~
He agreed, which put me on CLOUD NINE!! I was soo happy, i dont feel sick anymore!! Hhahaha~ If i have wings, id be flying to Pluto nw!! Hhahaha!! Thnks Hans!!
Heres a tribute to my savior, Hansen!!


Anyway, lets just hope the plan goes well eh..?
Croaked by - AaRoz - at 1:50 AM 1 Mini Croaks
Sunday, May 17, 2009
I am sooo angry!! Pissed off!! Sad!! Disappointed!! Worried.. Furious!! arrrgghh!! all feelings at one time! Haiz~ Too much!! No more.. i'm gonna explode soon~ >_<
So all this just because of my wish of havng a dog being denied.. Well, thwarted over and over again! Oh mum!! Please buy me a new house!! and a dog too, k? ^^
Well, the dog tat i've booked was bought by someone else dat paid more that wat me and the owner agreed to pay.. so, being a super materialistic, money-eyed people, he agreed!! leaving me in deep sadness and despair~! haiz!! so sad laaa!!
Geez, is it really hard to get a dog? I mean, yes.. I will be solely responsible fr it, i know i can..
Theres nothing tat will make me abandon the dog.. So far as I am concern, i dont have a life partner yet, be it girlfriend or boyfriend.. So, the dog will be my baby instead.. ^^
I know i can take care of it, play with it, etc etc and still have enough time for my own things like assignmnts and stuff..
Err, maybe i'll go out shopping less at that time since i am more attached to my doggy, but isnt dat a good thing? seriously, i spent more than 3k alone in a month just fr my expenditure, and like with a whopping rm15k per semester fr my course, isnt havng a dog would prevent me frm spendng more???
Arrrgghh!! And im the only one with these craze fr dog.. Ranty, my housemate is also damn crazy bout gettng a dog.. ^^
Hey, at least im nt alone right? hehe~ dat made me feel happy..
And guess where am i going this Wednesday? To PAWS in Subang!! Well, nt to adopt dogs or anythng, to just play with all the dogs there since i cant get one!!! >_< humph!! So annoying!!
And as an eye-candy, heres some picture of my desired dog, Golden Retriever..
I mean, theres a lot, and i can only upload some of em.. >_<








Croaked by - AaRoz - at 10:29 PM 4 Mini Croaks
Labels: Golden Retriever