* in a cute adorable way.. hehe~ *
p/s : mesti suspen kan tgk my post punya title? hehehe~
Today i went out to meet Agnes, one of the SUPER Cupcakes-duo in KL Central to get my ordered cuppies.. Wee hee~ I was super excited. actually!! =]
I ordered cuppies frm Agnes this time with "Chinese New Year theme" so i think u can guess wat decor' shud be on the cuppies right? =]
Mostly red ( PROSPEROUS and they look good on me.. LOL!!! ) and orange
( symbolizes the cute zesty oranges and just because they reminded me of $$$$$$$ ) and Moo Moo~ ( because its their year.. teehee~ )
And we took
i'd be thinkng and shoutng and debatng bout it in my mind and just let the moments slip'd away.. awww.. too bad eh? hehehe~ Nevermnd, ders always next time.. teehee~
anyway, Agnes asked me to take pictures wit the cupcakes ( wic i WOULD HV DID even without her telling me too.. Lol.. )
So heres some pictures ( i took like, 50 but im only puttng in 5.. Geez, uploadng kills me.. too slow.. )
( and i tried soo hard nt to lose to her so i gv out my 1Million worth smile.. LOL~ )
And finally, the reason why i HATE cuppies???
They're just sooo cute!!! I feel sad when eating em!!
And more pics of me cam-whoring with food.. Lol~~ But hey, we Malaysians are cam-whore freaks right???? * and im so proud of dat fact!! *
Gwwz, i dunno hw to eat em with? shud i.. erm.. lol.. Well, kill tat thought.. =]
Wats next? next next.. Valentines Day???? wow~ Yea gud idea~ Heheheh` Aggie.. later i send u an email.. =]
fr those out there tat, well, wants to order cuppies frm these two cuppies-diva, please feel free to order from em' via.. erm.. email can, phone call can.. heres a link to their blog..
Order ah?? pls pls order? Help em' grow their "perusahaan".. is it business? can i use the word "business"? Hurm..
Till then,
Hv a happy happy CNY!!