Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I don't have a Twitter account.. ( used very loosely...... )

I used to have it, but I kinda forgotten alllllll about it.. Hahaha.. I forgot about the password, and even the username.. And even the email that I've registered it with.. Hahaha..

Whats so fun about Twitter anyway? A lot of people are using it; which makes me wonder.. What good is Twitter than any other normal sites??

People often Tweet about their daily unimportant, redundant, and sometimes rather annoying stuff; saying things like "Oooo I wanna eat that ice cream", "Wow that girl is HOT!", and some other stuff that we don't really cared..

Is that a way to be known??? You just tell the whole world what an attention-seeker you are by telling them what you do, EVERY 5 SECONDS???

Daym, Get a life..

I respect those who updates when needed, and those who Tweet for business ( I never do know how this works.. ) but not those who Tweet every single steps that they made.. Annoying~~~~ Twitter should charge you 10cents every time you Tweet.. They'll be richer than richer and richerest and richeresst and richeressttsttt in just a couple of months..

Or NOT!!

Because people like free stuff.. They'll love it soo much and if Twitter starts charging, they'll leave and look for other free stuff..

Correct boh???? :D

I know cause I am one too.. ^^ )/*cheersss*

Hahahahaha!! Daym why am I talking about Twitter... I was supposed to talk about my class today.. Sangat jauh dari topik perbualan.. So far from the intended talk.. :p

Till then la.. We'll talk about boring classes later on.. ^^

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